Turning Over a New Leaf Channel 9 Today Show
Jenny Hallam has had a tough battle over the past few years, fighting a drug conviction for illegally producing medicinal cannabis.
Jenny Hallam avoids jail time for producing & supplying cannabis oil – 7 News Adelaide
An Adelaide woman, prosecuted for producing and supplying medicinal cannabis oil, has been spared a conviction and jail.
The judge said she was motivated by a genuine compassion to help others for no financial gain.
Medicinal Cannabis Crusader Spared Jail – 10 News First Adelaide
NO JAIL: An Adelaide cannabis crusader has been spared jail or a conviction, for making medicinal marijuana for pain sufferers.
Cannabis oil supplier escapes criminal conviction – 9 News Adelaide
Jenny Hallam, who supplied cannabis oil to people suffering chronic pain at no cost, has been set free without a criminal conviction.
Adelaide cannabis crusader avoids drug supply conviction – 7News.com.au
A woman who illegally produced and supplied medicinal cannabis oil has been spared jail and dodged a conviction.
A judge said Jenny Hallam’s sole motivation was to treat the sick for no financial gain.